The purpose of the Brown University Band (hereafter, the “Band”) shall be to play at appropriate Brown University functions and community events. Appearance of the Band at such functions shall be subject to the approval of the Brown University Band Board (hereafter, the “Band Board”).
Section A: Membership Statement
Membership in the Band is open to all undergraduate and graduate students of Brown University (hereafter, “Brown”) and the Rhode Island School of Design (hereafter, “RISD”). The Band does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Majority membership consists of full-time undergraduate Brown students. Membership is further subject to Article X.
Section B: Membership
Band members are students who have attended at least four band activities, defined as rehearsals, performances, and any other events as designated by the President. Membership entitles individuals the right to vote in all band proceedings.
B1: Probation
Band members on probationary status may not perform with the Band or attend official events with the Band (excluding elections). They may still vote in al
Section C: Anti-Discrimination Clause
The Band is committed to fostering an inclusive, anti-discriminatory environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, regardless of any identities they may hold. The Band prohibits harassment and retaliation by its membership and leadership alike. The Band encourages its members to voice concerns and commits to engaging in effective and equitable conflict management.
Section A: Band Board
A1: Eligibility
An eligible candidate for Band Board must be a Band member and plan to be both enrolled at Brown or RISD and on campus for the duration of the term. A term begins at halftime of the last game of the football season and ends at halftime of the last game of the following football season.
A2: Responsibilities
President: The President of the Band is responsible for scheduling and running Band Board meetings, running elections, and officially representing the Band to the University administration, Undergraduate Finance Board, and Undergraduate Council of Students. The job includes planning events and making sure events, rehearsals, and performances run well. The President oversees and acts as Band Board liaison to the Appointed Positions. The President also delegates responsibilities to the other Band Board members and takes care of anything else that needs to be done. If it's not someone else's responsibility, it's the President's.
Vice President ("VP"): It is the primary job of the Vice President to oversee Band field rehearsals and to ensure that the Band is organized and ready to play at both home and away games. Duties to this end include everything from creating form sheets and censoring scripts to making sure the Band sounds musically together. The VP is also in charge of meeting with officials outside of the Band, including Athletics Department administrators, Brown police and security (for things like caroling and reserving field rehearsal space), and other Brown administrator-types. The VP is in charge of the hockey pool. The VP is also in charge of finding food for the band for on-campus events.
General Manager ("Mom"): The General Manager is responsible for managing instruments and uniforms, acquiring whatever equipment the Band or the music library may require, and bringing first aid and other supplies to events. The General Manager also acts as the Band Board liaison to Section Leaders. This involves keeping them aware of Band Board news, bringing up their concerns to the Band Board, and staying on top of what each section needs. The General Manager also holds weekly meetings with the Section Leaders to go over upcoming events and responsibilities.
Business Manager ("Money God(dess)"): The Business Manager is in charge of maintaining and directing the expenditure of all of the financial accounts of the Band. This includes submitting a budget to the Undergraduate Finance Board to appropriate funds from the University. Additionally, the Business Manager reserves transportation for road trips, assists the Corresponding Secretary in communicating with transportation companies and drivers on away trips, secures food and meal stipends for the band during off-campus events, makes reservations for the annual Bandquet, provides reimbursements for appropriate band-related expenses, and assists the Brown Band Alumni Liaisons with any donations.
Corresponding Secretary ("CorSec"): The Corresponding Secretary is in charge of away trips and communication on behalf of the Band with people outside of the University. For an away trip, the Corresponding Secretary will reserve hotel rooms; create itineraries; get directions to the hotel, the stadium, parking lots, practice fields, etc.; and communicate with the home band about performance regulations and any other matters that may arise. The Corresponding Secretary is also responsible for sending out thank-you notes on behalf of the Band and designing and ordering the buttons for football season.
Recording Secretary ("RecSec"): The Recording Secretary serves as the connection between the Band Board and the Band. The Recording Secretary is in charge of the official attendance records and must take attendance at every rehearsal and event as well as keep a list of expected attendees. The Recording Secretary creates a weekly Band email and also maintains the official email list, which means all emails that are sent out to the Band must come through the Recording Secretary first. The Recording Secretary keeps all minutes at Band Board meetings, writes a winter letter along with the Corresponding Secretary, and collects quotes.
Section B: Section Leaders
Each semester, every section shall choose, by separate election, a Section Leader—or, if necessary, multiple Section Leaders to split the duties—in accordance with Article IV, Section B. Section Leaders will be expected to attend all Band functions. In the event they cannot attend, they shall appoint a replacement on a per-event basis.
At Band events, Section Leaders shall manage the section’s music and instruments, reporting any necessary repairs to the General Manager. As mentioned in Article III, Section A2, Section Leaders will attend regular meetings to be run by the General Manager. They will ensure their section is together musically—including being prepared to play—and physically during marches and at events. Section Leaders are encouraged to lead cheers.
Section Leaders shall plan one or more social gatherings for their section each semester. Section Leaders will encourage member retention by sending emails of pertinent information to their section and encouraging a personal, friendly atmosphere among section members.
Section C: Appointed Positions
C1: Student Conductor
Student Conductors shall be chosen by majority vote of the Band Board to serve a term of indefinite length and shall consist of a Head Conductor and no more than three Assistant Conductors. The Band Board, in choosing the Student Conductors, shall take into consideration the opinion of the Faculty Advisor and the current Student Conductors. The Band Board shall review the qualifications of the Student Conductors annually, no later than one week after general elections have been held. If the Student Conductors are found to be unsatisfactory, the Band Board may remove them from office and immediately appoint a new Student Conductor. Otherwise, the Student Conductor shall serve as long as they like. However, a Student Conductor’s term must end with the conclusion of their time as a student at Brown or RISD, if not earlier. When the Student Conductor resigns or otherwise leaves their post, the Band Board shall immediately choose another to take their place. The Head Conductor is responsible for training the Student Conductors so they are prepared to replace the Head Conductor. Student and Assistant Conductors shall also lead the Sectional rehearsals at their own discretion.
C2: Librarian
Librarians are responsible for updating the music library, maintaining an accurate record of the library's contents, keeping the library organized, copying and distributing music to the Section Leaders, and collecting and re-filing used music. They work closely with Section Leaders, who inform the Librarians about what music is needed for their respective sections. Librarians are selected by the Band Board from a list of possible candidates based on organizational skills and sense of responsibility.
C3: Historian
The Historians are responsible for maintaining the written, oral, and visual traditions of the Band. This generally consists of taking pictures and/or helping to acquire pictures of events to be displayed on the webpage and other appropriate forums, working with the Band Board to collect and preserve memorabilia (such as buttons, trophies, uniforms, awards plaques, past Band albums, etc.), and updating and maintaining the Band historical files/books by keeping a written record of any and all important events involving the Band that might be useful for future reference. The Historians should also be a source for the Band's musical and non-musical traditions, including knowledge of the appropriate situations for each tradition, past and present song lyrics (as they are ever-changing), acting as a source of spirit, etc. The Historians are appointed by Band Board and will serve as long as needed. When they are entering their final football season, an assistant must be appointed and commence training.
C4: Public Relations and Recruitment Chair
The Public Relations and Recruitment Chairs (PRR Chairs) focus on publicity and recruitment for the Band. The PRR Chairs should design advertisements for Band events and recruitment and distribute them across campus. The scope of this position is not limited to table slips and flyers. The PRR Chairs should additionally seek advertising space in newspapers and online. Also, the PRR Chairs should advise the Band Board regarding all issues pertaining to the distribution and display of Brown Band paraphernalia.
C5: Brown Band Alumni Liaison
The Brown Band Alumni Liaisons (ALs) are responsible for maintaining contact with Band alumni and leading fundraising efforts for the Band. This includes writing the twice-yearly alumni newsletter, keeping track of which alumni will be attending and playing at games, and organizing the yearly alumni fundraising drive with the University Development Office.
C6: Scriptwriter
The Scriptwriters are responsible for producing a script for each event that requires one. This includes scheduling, organizing, and running a scriptwriting meeting, soliciting other Band members to assist in writing the script, negotiating the various suggestions into a single document, and delivering the final copy to the Vice President and the reader.
C7: Webmaster
The Webmaster is responsible for updating and maintaining the Band web page, as well as posting Band-related information.
C8: Social Chair
The Social Chairs are responsible for coordinating and hosting Band events outside of regularly scheduled Brown University functions and community events. This includes coordinating social gatherings and activities open to all Band members and overseeing and maintaining an online forum where any Band members may plan events.
Section A: Band Board Elections
A1: General Information
Elections shall be held annually within two weeks before the final football game. Elected officers shall assume their duties after halftime of the final football game of the season. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year; any eligible Band member may run for office and any eligible officer may run for re-election. Eligibility requirements are listed in Article III, Section A1.
A2: Election Order
Band members shall vote for officers in the following order: President, Vice President, General Manager, Business Manager, Corresponding Secretary, and Recording Secretary.
A3: Election Procedure
The outgoing President shall conduct elections. If the President is unable to preside, then the next highest-ranking officer as listed in Article III, Section A2 shall preside. The presiding officer will cast one vote to be kept secret and separate during the election of the office of the President, and it will not be noted or counted except in case of a tie. If a tie arises, the presiding officer’s vote will be discreetly added to the total in order to break the tie, otherwise their vote is destroyed. If a tie arises between candidates when they are not the only candidates, the presiding officer's vote will not be counted and there will be a runoff election between tied candidates.
After a new President has been elected, the outgoing President will continue to run elections. The outgoing President can vote in the remaining elections; the newly elected President, however, will cast one vote to be kept secret and separate, and it will not be noted or counted except in the case of a tie. If a tie arises, the newly elected President’s vote will be discreetly added to the total in order to break the tie, otherwise their vote is destroyed. If a tie arises between candidates when they are not the only candidates, the newly elected President's vote will not be counted and there will be a runoff election between tied candidates. If the presiding officer wishes to run for the position of President, then the next presiding officer in Article III, Section A2 shall preside.
Two or more persons may not run together for the same office. Band members may nominate anyone, including themselves, for any position. The presiding officer shall ask for a second of the nomination and whether the nominee accepts the nomination. The presiding officer shall move to close nominations for each candidate.
After nominations have been closed, each candidate has two and one-half minutes in which to state their position if they so desire. The candidates shall appear one at a time before the Band and describe their qualifications while other candidates are out of the room. Next, under the direction of the presiding officer, members shall ask questions of the candidates. After all presentations and questions have been completed, the Band members shall discuss the qualifications of the candidates.
A4: Runoff Elections
In the event that there are six or more candidates running for a position, the presiding officer will hold a runoff vote to narrow the field of candidates before discussion. The number of candidates removed in the runoff vote is equal to one-half of the total number of candidates, rounded up. (Example: six or seven candidates will be narrowed to three, eight or nine candidates will be narrowed to four, etc.) Voting during the runoff election shall be by blind show of hands. The number of votes allowed to each voting member will be left to the discretion of the presiding officer. If a tie arises during a run-off, tie-breaking procedures shall go into effect. The candidates with the greatest number of votes shall be placed in the final vote.
A5: Voting
All candidates shall remain outside the election room during any voting procedure, including run-off elections and the final ballot. Voting during the final ballot shall be by secret ballot. To be elected, a candidate must secure a plurality of the votes of the Band members present contingent on their ability to fulfill Article III, Section A. However, if a candidate’s ability to perform the tasks of their position had been misrepresented during the course of an election, then the election is automatically null and void, and the election must be held again at the earliest possible convenience. By the same token, the Band Board itself does not have the power to impeach or force resignation from any of its officers.
Section B: Section Leader Elections
Each section shall hold its own private elections to choose one or more Section Leaders at the discretion of the section. Section Leader elections will take place at the first rehearsal of fall semester and the first rehearsal of spring semester after Mid-Year Convocation. This may be done after a Band rehearsal, with each section holding their election separately. Sections may request that a member of Band Board or conductor preside over their election.
Each section may run their democratic elections according to their own traditions and methods. Sections are allowed to hold elections at different times or under different procedures as long as election procedures are open and democratic.
Section C: Special Elections
Should an elected Band Board officer resign their position or otherwise leave the organization, a special election shall be held immediately to fill the vacated office. All special elections are pursuant to the election procedures detailed previously in this Article. Should a Section Leader resign their position or otherwise leave the organization, a special election shall be held immediately by the section, pursuant to Article IV, Section B.
The Band receives funds from the Undergraduate Finance Board for transportation, hotels, instrument purchases and maintenance, percussion coaching, and other miscellaneous expenses. The Band reserves the right to create accounts with the Student Activities Office into which monies may be deposited or transferred. All funds collected by the group from any source shall be deposited with the Student Activities Office (SAO), and all expenses of the group shall be spent through processes of the SAO. The Band agrees to follow all regulations regarding all financial transactions as set forth by the SAO. The Band Board also reserves the right to collect dues from the membership of the Band.
The Faculty Advisor meets regularly with the Band Board to advise them in their decision-making regarding the management and long-term development of the Band. The Faculty Advisor assists in the musical direction of the Band as requested by the Band Board and the Student Conductors.
Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by any Band member. The amendment must first be brought up before members of the Band Board in writing and then be brought before the Band members for a vote at the next rehearsal and acted on according to Article IX of this constitution.
Any officer may be impeached at any time. Any Band member may start impeachment proceedings. To impeach an officer, the motion must first be brought before the Band Board. If the motion of impeachment is brought before the Band Board, one member of the Band Board is obligated to bring the motion before the Band at the next gathering of the Band. If a Band Board member fails to do so, the person who brought the motion before the Band Board has the right to bring the motion before the Band members. A quorum of band members must be present to conduct the impeachment vote and a two-thirds vote of this quorum is required to impeach the officer.. Only one ballot shall be taken; it shall be done by secret ballot. This is the one and only ballot to be taken even in the case of a tie, since a tie means that the necessary two-thirds vote has not been secured.
Article IX: QUORUM
Quorum is constituted by a number of band members greater than or equal to two-thirds of the average number of band members present at home and away football games in the previous fall semester. The quorum number shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number. A quorum must be present at all meetings at which voting will take place, excepting Section Leader elections, which are a special case. A plurality vote of the quorum must be secured to elect Band Board officers, and a two-thirds majority of the Band membership must be secured to amend this constitution. For all other decisions except impeachment (see Article VIII) and Section Leader elections (see Article IV, Section F), a majority vote shall be required.
Section A: Expected Member Conduct
All members of the Band must adhere to Brown University’s Student Code of Conduct, as well as additional standards to support the welfare of the Band, including but not limited to:
- Professional behavior in Band uniform: during official Band events and while in uniform, members are expected to publicly represent the Band in especially good faith.
- Band Media: No Band member may represent the Band as a whole or speak on behalf of the Band in public media without granted permission from the President.
- Digital Communications: This Expected Member Conduct applies in equal weight to behavior in the Band’s online forums.
Section B: Disciplinary Action (3 Strikes Policy)
The Band assumes a three strike policy in regard to violation of the Expected Member Conduct (see Section A above). Strikes are defined as any action taken by a Band member that is in violation of this Code and/or reflects poorly on the Band as a whole, as determined by the Band Board. Prior to voting on a strike, an incident report must be filled out detailing the offense; this will be reviewed at the next Band Board meeting. This is to be used as a reference during voting.
- Strike one may be granted by a majority vote from the Band Board, and an appropriate corresponding disciplinary action shall be determined by the Band Board.
- Strike two may only be granted by a unanimous vote of the Band Board, and shall result in member probation (see Article II, section B1).
- Strike three may only be granted by a unanimous vote from the Band Board, and shall result in immediate member dismissal. Extraordinarily unacceptable incidents may warrant immediate dismissal prior to three strikes—this may be employed only by a unanimous vote of the Band Board.
If a strike is passed, the offending Band member must be informed of such by the President of the Band (or the Vice President in the event that the President is the offending member). During this meeting, the incident report must be presented to offending Band member. If they claim that the report is inaccurate or unjust, they may request a review. In this case, the offending member must write a new report detailing the event(s). The Band Board shall then re-vote on the matter, considering both reports, under which case a unanimous vote is required to still pass the strike. In the event that the offending member is part of the Band Board, they may still be allowed to vote on their own strikes.
The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all incident reports and strikes. Band members have the right to view any incident report in which they were involved at any time.
Section C: Member Dismissal
Any Band member may be dismissed only by unanimous vote of the Band Board after having violated the Band’s Expected Member Conduct (see Section B above). For a member of the Band Board to be dismissed or put on probation, they must first be impeached (See Article VIII).
Section D: Borrowing of Band Property
All members who have been issued Band or University property shall sign for said property and be responsible for the condition of this property and return it when it is called for. Any member failing to turn in Band or University property will be charged for said property.
Section E: Damage to Band Property
Any Band member who damages the Band or University's equipment (outside of normal maintenance problems) will be responsible for any repairs or payment for said repairs. If a member has concerns about this, the matter shall be brought before the Band Board.
Section A: Awards Voting Procedure
The President shall preside over awards voting. If the President is unable to preside, then the next highest-ranking officer as listed in Article III, Section A2 shall preside. Candidates for each award can be nominated by any Band member, but one cannot nominate oneself. Nominations must be seconded by another Band member and accepted by the nominee. After nominations have closed, all nominees must leave the room while discussion about the merits of each candidate is held. The presiding officer may narrow the field of candidates at their discretion. More than one person can win a given award in the same year. The winners shall not be announced immediately following the voting; rather, the awards shall be presented at the annual Bandquet.
Section B: Awards
B1: Irving Harris Award
The Irving Harris Award shall be awarded annually to the person who has contributed most to the welfare of the Band.
B2: Paul L. Maddock Award
The Paul L. Maddock Award shall be awarded annually to the person who has contributed most to the spirit of the Band. This person cannot be a person holding an office of the Band (i.e. President, Vice-President, General Manager, Business Manager, Corresponding Secretary, or Recording Secretary), but they may have been an officer in the past.
B3: Walter Axelrod Award
The Walter Axelrod Award shall be awarded annually to the first-year Band member who has contributed the most to the Band. A first-year Band member is defined as any person who has joined the Band after the end of the previous football season.
Section C: Senior Gifts
Each senior band member who attends the annual Bandquet shall be given a gift; these gifts shall be chosen by a committee appointed by the Band Board.
Article XII
This constitution, ratified on November 5, 2024, supersedes all former constitutions of the Brown University Band.
We, the undersigned, attest to the validity of the above information and that we are members in good standing of the Brown University Band.