
The Band Board is a six-member elected delegation of band members who manage both the behind-the-scenes and public day to day operations of the Band. The Band Board is elected for a one-year term that begins and ends at halftime at the last football game in November. If a position becomes vacant mid-term, that position is filled via a special election as soon as it is feasible. Specifics on election policy can be found in our bland yet informative constitution. Please feel free to email the appropriate Band Board member by clicking on their name. If you’re not sure which Band Board member is appropriate, you may simply email the President, or all of Band Board. If your band is traveling to Brown, or if you have specific questions about band activities or events, the person to contact is the Corresponding Secretary. For general comments, suggestions, etc. please feel free to mail any member of the Band Board.

Band Board Officers

For the term ending November 2025

President: Owen Landry 26

The President is responsible for scheduling and running Band Board meetings, running elections, planning commencement, and officially representing the Band to the University administration, UFB, UCS, and other acronyms.

Owen is from North Providence, RI, but you probably knew that already from their last tour of duty on band board. In band they can usually be found playing the sousaphone(but are currently trying to learn the trombone to varying degrees of success), contrary to their last statement on the website(sorry S&M). Owen studies Biomedical Engineering, with lofty(albeit maybe misguided) goals of pursuing grad school post bacc, and definitely will NOT take a job at Raytheon or Lockheed Martin. Outside of band, Owen is part of AVGE and Tech House, where they play bass(beabadoobee reference?) and engage in whatever niche interests they have at the time. If you see Owen walking around and they don't say hi don't take it personally, they're probably operating off of -4 hours of sleep and coffee from the Ratty while attempting to finish a problem set to no avail. It’s chill though.

Vice President: Isabella Juarez Galeas 27

The Vice President yells at the Band runs field rehearsals, serves as a liaison to the athletic department, and performs other administrative tasks throughout the year.

Isabella hails from the ever so lovely ‘city’ of Montgomery Village, Maryland and never seems to know how close to Baltimore they actually are. She is in the percussion section where she plays far too loudly the snare drum. Academically, she plans on double concentrating in Religious Studies and English (and proudly admits she has never once had to do a pset at her time at Brown), with unclear goals of what she wants to do with either degree. She is also a part of the Presidential Scholars Program and the Latinx Student Union (when she remembers to go to the events) When she’s not having a super fun time with the band, Isabella is typically a homebody who enjoys watching compilations of Hell's Kitchen, video essays, and reading literature of sometimes dubious quality.

General Manager: Ian Cressman 28

The General Manager is responsible for working with the Section Leaders and presenting their needs to Band Board, for managing instruments and uniforms, and for keeping the band on its feet (or skates depending on the season).

Ian hails from the great county of Westchester, NY, about an hour north of NYC—no, don’t even think about trying to say, “so you’re from upstate then?” Go look at a map. He currently plays the clarinet but is learning the tenor sax (and is hoping this endeavor will last more than 5 weeks). His plans are to concentrate somewhere within the humanities, although exactly where is questionable, and he definitely does question it everyday. When not at band, you’ll probably see him lifting at the gym, pondering his future, or debating over the merits of Vdub’s powdered eggs (there are very few merits). He plans on trying every single food item at the Brown dining halls over the course of his four years here—What is food poisoning, anyway? He’s super excited for big things in the upcoming year. Come say hi if you see him around!

Business Manager: Ryan Zou 28

The Business Manager is in charge of the finances, expenses, income, and budgetary and/or swag-related matters of the Band.

Ryan is from Ellicott City, MD, where he is reportedly classified as a rural student for Brown’s student demographics despite his hometown having over ten boba stores per capita. That esteemed gentleman plays the mellophone, resigned to the fact that he will not touch a french horn in his time at university. He is also the band’s dance captain, though he does not know what the dance captain does. Ryan studies Applied Math-Economics, because he quite enjoys math and economics. He was unaware of the other connotations that came with such a degree. Outside of band, Ryan is also part of the club Taekwondo team and goes to labor rallies with the Student Labor Alliance every so often. If you look closely at the lecture captures for certain classes, you can find him playing Balatro or Baldur’s Gate 3 while taking “excellent notes.” He has never been to the moon.

Corresponding Secretary: George Chudley 26

The Corresponding Secretary acts as a representative to other bands, providing information on housing, practice fields, directions, etc. when other bands visit us and likewise procuring this information when we go to away games. The CorSec also reserves hotel rooms and provides directions and itineraries on roadtrips. Do not ask the CorSec if we are there yet.

George is from New York City and will absolutely do the accent upon request. He is in the percussion section and mostly plays bass drum. Outside of band, he double concentrates in physics and literary arts, which in practice means that he is either a STEM kid or a humanities kid depending on which is funnier at the moment. He is also a member of AVGE and Tech House, both of which allow him to channel his love of obscure video games no one has ever heard of, and does independent creative writing on the side. (NOT fanfiction. For now, anyway.) Also, yes, he is the guy on the blue button with “Town” written on it. You can come see him getting lunch at V-Dub or hanging out in the general Harkness area.

Recording Secretary: Mike Woodilla 27

The Recording Secretary (better known as RecSec and better spelled as WreckSec) takes attendance at rehearsals and on roadtrips, maintains databases of band alumni and contributors, keeps Band Board meeting notes, sends weekly band notices, and picks up the slack.

Mike (if that even is David Woody Woodeea’s real name) is proudly from Burlington Massachusetts (or as he puts it, the “suburbs of Boston”). At band events, when he’s not watching Jillian watch Kanayo watch the football game or spilling his hot cocoa all over the place, you can find him playing the Alto Sax (except for most of the time when he’s distracted). Outside of band, Mike eternally debates between studying Math-CS and Applied Math, and also claims to study Political Science despite only having taken two political science classes. When he’s not being spotted in the SciLi or Ratty trying to finish his BDH column, you can find him trying to remember how to play the piano in Steinart or watching Seinfeld, the greatest show on Earth.


Head Student Conductor: Aly Rajwani 27

Edward Guiliano '72 Head Conductor

Aly hails from Canada - a fact which some find obvious and others unbelievable. In Band, he plays the flute melodica and dabbles in arranging. Aly plans on studying Mathematics, because he loves numbers, and Computer Science, so that he has the option of selling out. Beyond that, here are some quick facts: he regularly rewatches the Kung Fu Panda trilogy (the fourth movie doesn’t count); he thinks sudoku and 2048 are the greatest games ever created; he once drew a mouse, which his mother confused for an elephant; and he loves being part of the Brown Band!

Assistant Student Conductor: Everton Prospere 27

Nicholas J Everage Student Conductor

Everton is a PROUD New Yorker…and no, he isn’t from the city! He grew up in a town on Long Island called Valley Stream, which isn’t located in a valley and only has a teeny tiny creek. In the band, you can find him questioning why he chose to play the sousaphone in elementary school, an instrument he still struggles to hold up. Everton began his conducting journey in front of a mirror while listening to anime music, but fervently enjoys waving his hands in front of an actual band as an assistant conductor! Outside of music, he is concentrating in Political Science and Hispanic Studies. You can often find Everton playing tennis at the courts on campus, procrastinating on his phone in the Rock Stacks/SciLi upper floors, or watching a show on Netflix (he is currently binging the Crown…RIP Queen Lizzie!).

Assistant Student Conductor: Sarah Kramer 28

Sarah comes from good ol’ Levittown, Pennsylvania (yes, the one from your history class) and is VERY proud of her Philly roots (except when the Phillies let her down again). When not conducting you can find her playing mellophone trumpet and struggling to find the correct song in her flip folder before we start playing. Sarah currently plans on studying Geochemistry or Environmental Science. She’ll decide eventually. Outside of band, you can find Sarah copyediting and handling social media for the Brown Daily Herald, at Dave’s Coffee fueling her caffeine addiction, or listening to her 7-hour-long, solely Taylor Swift playlist (or her 10-hour-long jazz playlist aptly named “Chet Baker is so hot”). Sarah’s super excited to continue in band as a baby conductor and cannot wait to go to more games!

Section Leaders


Bryce Gray ’25
Valentin Garcia ’26


Jillian Belluck ’25

Princeton University Band Flute Section Leader

Aly Rajwani ’27
Coral Roost Rothenburg ’27

Saxophones & Mellophones

Tyler Gurth ’25


Daniel Tamburro ’27

Edward Guiliano '72 Trumpet Section Leader

Eddie Nguyen ’27
Sarah Kramer ’28

Low Brass

Owen Landry ’26
Mia Kamisato ’27


Jace Damon ’25
Eitan Frank ’26

Lexie's ('05) Lead Banger Percussion Section Leader

George Chudley ’26
Isabella Juarez Galeas ’27
Xinyi Wang ’25

Appointed Positions


Jillian Belluck ’25
Julia Granato ’25
Eddie Nguyen ’27

Social Chairs

Jace Damon ’25
Owen Landry ’26
Jimmy Zhang ’25
Coral Roost Rothenberg ’27

PRR Chairs

Shravya Sunkugari ’27
Sophia Wotman ’26
Jimmy Zhang ’25
Coral Roost Rothenberg ’27
Mia Kamisato ’27
Ian Cressman ’28


George Chudley ’26
Eitan Frank ’26
Jace Damon ’25
Shravya Sunkugari ’27
Victor Chang ’27
Owen Landry ’26
Isabella Juarez Galeas ’27


Jace Damon ’25
Nick McCarthy-Belash ’25
George Chudley ’26
Eitan Frank ’26
Owen Landry ’26
Coral Roost Rothenberg ’27
Annie Johnson ’27
Ryan Zou ’28
Mike Woodilla ’27

Alumni Liaisons

Jillian Belluck ’25
Tyler Gurth ’25

Edward Guiliano '72 Alumni Liaison

Albert Lou ’26
Jimmy Zhang ’25
Eddie Nguyen ’27
Mia Kamisato ’27


Tyler Gurth ’25
Eddie Nguyen ’27
Alison Zeng ’27


Karen Mellor ’82